Paul-Henri Moisson (Paris School of Economics)
Abstract: “This paper investigates the viability of cooperatives in a for-profit world. Focusing on market behavior, it unveils two new determinants of the comparative advantage of cooperatives of users over for-profits. Unlike shareholders, users who join a cooperative enjoy a free-usage right, which provides the cooperative form with a competitive advantage unless the market is served by a single entity (in which case what founding members gain as users they lose as shareholders). However, the Coasian logic implies that the enlisting of founding members within the cooperative will lead to lower licensing prices in the future, and thus a low willingness to pay for becoming a member today, jeopardizing the cooperative's funding capacity. This Coasian profit-reduction effect dominates when the intensity of competition in the licensing market is high, making the cooperative form irrelevant, whereas the free-usage right effect dominates when the intensity of competition is low, leading to the cooperative's blockaded monopoly and for-profits' irrelevance.”
You can find Paul-Henri’s website here: Paul-Henri Moisson.
He will be available for individual meetings on the day of the seminar. Flora will coordinate the schedule. Please use the Google sheet if you want to reserve a slot.