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Theater FLINgern

Theater FLINgern

Düsseldorf’s charming cabaret theatre. This cosy little cultural gem can be found in the pulsating and trendy district of Flingern: This private theatre has been providing invigorating entertainment for over ten years. “Classic meets comedy” – that’s the motto under which the FLIN ensemble presents its successful productions, such as the cult comedy “Fast FAUST – oder des Pudels Kern” or “SCHILLER – ganz oder gar nicht!”. Apart from many seasoned TV entertainers, such as Ingo Oschmann and Onkel Fisch, the history of the City of Düsseldorf is also represented with “BÜHNE FREI für MUTTER EY”.

Students profit from reduced admission prices.

Ackerstrasse 144 (backyard)
40233 Düsseldorf
Telephone +49 211 - 679 8871
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