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[Translate to English:] Ausschnitt Schreibtischarbeitsplatz

Good Research Practice in Arts and Humanities

Codes of conduct are essential in science, as academic misconduct in the arts and humanities can have far-reaching consequences, extending beyond grant applications and publications.

In times of increasing competitive pressure in science and unequally distributed resources, the danger of scientific misconduct increases. This is countered by the professional ethos of scientists, who are committed to adhering to "Good Research Practice." Many institutions now have guidelines on Good Research Practice (Research Integrity). Increasingly, attendance at a Good Research Practice seminar is a requirement for admission to doctoral studies.

But what are my rights and obligations as a doctoral student? Which rules do I have to follow? How do I deal with conflicts? Where does misconduct start and what happens afterwards?

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the codices of Good Research Practice, fostering a culture of scientific integrity within research institutions.

Participants will explore the foundational principles of Good Research Practice as outlined by the German Research Foundation (DFG), with topics including:

  • Introduction and definitions
  • Principles of Good Research Practice
  • Potential problem and conflict areas in the research process
  • Misconduct in the arts and humanities
  • Scientific data collection and documentation
  • Rights of use
  • Plagiarism
  • Publications, collaborations and authorship
  • AI in scientific publications
  • Archiving
  • Supervision and organisational culture
  • Dealing with surveys and test subjects
  • Further information can be found at

DFG Code of Conduct for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice (German and English version)

Target group Humanities scholars, cultural scientists, social scientists, researchers from other colleges, universities, companies
Duration 2 days, each 9:30-14:00 (8 working units of 45 minutes each)
Number of participants max. 25
Realisation online
Costs of participation 199 EUR


Date Time Place
Upon request