Doctors and medication
Doctors' offices have different opening times and are generally closed on Wednesday afternoons. Appointments are usually made by telephone – if you simply turn up during opening hours you might have to wait quite a long time. You may want to ask your colleagues or acquaintances to recommend a specific doctor or you can find a list of all doctors in your area in the yellow pages (Gelbe Seiten).
Should you have a non-life-threatening emergency outside opening hours, you can contact a doctor on emergency duty. Available doctors and times can be found on the internet, in daily newspapers or enquired at the pharmacists on emergency duty. Prescription medication can only be obtained by presenting a prescription from a doctor at the pharmacy. Health insurance generally pays for such medication but you will usually have to pay an additional pharmacy charge of between three and ten euro yourself. Pharmacies are usually open from Monday to Friday from 8.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. and on Saturday mornings. Some pharmacies are closed over lunchtime. Outside of these opening hours, there are pharmacies that stay open in case of emergencies.
List of doctors and pharmacists: