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Welcome - Willkommen - Välkommen - Bienvenue - Witamy

Due to its high expertise in language teaching, the HHU Language Center is part of our Alliance. In cooperation with all partners and their language centres, it offers different courses open to all UNIVERSEH students. The offered courses support our goals, namely to promote multilingualism and mobility between students and Alliance partners.

The wide range of courses include: 

Starting in October 2023

 The UNIVERSEH Online Language Café offers an opportunity to practice French, Swedish, Polish, German or English with native speakers in a relaxed setting, no matter if you are a beginner or a more advanced learner.

All UNIVERSEH-students from our inter-university alliance who are interested in learning and practicing German, French, Polish, Swedish or English are welcome to join. The registration takes place through our registration forms. Students enrolled at the HHU Düsseldorf can register via the online course catalogue HIS-LSF.

More information here - Let´s have a coffee!

English C1: Terms and Concepts of Space

This is a multidisciplinary course. Students will explore the world of Space, while improving their professional English for their future studies and employment opportunities.

Participants will also understand terminologies and concepts for fields relevant to the space sector as part of the UNIVERSEH programme (e.g. "space, earth, natural sciences, medicine, humanities") and contribute to the development of an illustrated Dictionary of Space Concepts that we are developing in cooperation with the Computer Linguistics Dept.

There will be many opportunities to practice different text styles, such as interviewing, biographical notes, reports, and reflection writing. As an online course, digital media are endemic to the classroom environment, and the synchronous meetings will be supplemented with asynchronous tasks that will help students prepare for class and apply their newly acquired knowledge and skills. Continuous cooperation, peer review, video creation, and illustrations for the DSC, will result in a tangible product at the end of the term.

All UNIVERSEH-students from our inter-university alliance are welcome to register! Registration takes place through our registration forms. Students enrolled at the HHU Düsseldorf can register here via HIS-LSF.

Learn more about the Space and Concepts of Space Course here


Boost your communication skills in English, French and German and explore exciting space-related topics.

This Trilingual Course is entirely Online and gives you the opportunity to increase confidence to read, discuss and present in three languages.

Minimum Level required: B1 in each language.

All UNIVERSEH-students from our alliance are welcome. The registration takes place through our registration forms.

Students enrolled at the HHU Düsseldorf can register via the online course catalogue HIS-LSF.

Please find more information here - Let´s talk über l´espace

Nearly 60% of the world population speaks at least two or more languages. We will reflect on our own plurilingualism and get to know tools that help us in the self-evaluation of our own language skills.

UNIVERSEH-students from our inter-university alliance who are interested in participating in the Language and Identity Seminar are welcome to register!

The registration takes place through our registration forms!
Students enrolled at the HHU Düsseldorf can register via the online course catalogue HIS-LSF.

More about the seminar here

We offer an intensive beginner language course for German  for students to acquire an A1-level language proficiency. English Intensive C1 and French Intensive A1 courses (only in September 2023) are also part of the UNIVERSEH-Online-Language offer at the Language Center of the HHU.

All UNIVERSEH-students from our alliance are welcome to register for our intensive language courses.

The registration takes place through our registration forms.

Students enrolled at the HHU Düsseldorf can register via the online course catalogue HIS-LSF.

More about the course here

The UNIVERSEH project aims to promote mobility and foster cross-cultural exchanges between our partner universities. Students can improve their intercultural skills, opening doors to the European job market, which is a major component of the UNIVERSEH-project.

The intercultural workshops are open to all students studying in the UNIVERSEH alliance and will be held in English.

More about the workshop here

*Our courses are open to all students officially enrolled at the HHU and all students enrolled at the partner universities of the UNIVERSEH Alliance.

* Recognition of  ECTS credits as part of your study programme depends on the policies and procedures of each UNIVERSEH member university. For more information about the policy on credit recognition, please contact the UNIVERSEH Team at your home university.

Responsible for the content: UNIVERSEH Team : Contact by e-mail