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Escalation of the situation in the Middle East
HHU supports affected university members

Following the attack by the terrorist organisation Hamas on Israel and the escalation of violence in the region, people around the world are extremely concerned. Jewish students and employees at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (HHU) and many others with ties to the Middle East are very worried. A number of counselling and contact points are available to them during this difficult time.


“We know of many at HHU who have been directly affected to a greater or lesser extent by the terrible events,” says HHU President, Professor Dr Anja Steinbeck. “Jewish people in particular are anxious as a result of the current calls for violence against them. Everyone who needs help, advice or counselling will find appropriate support at HHU. In this regard, I would like to emphasise: We will not tolerate violence, either verbal or physical, nor will we tolerate anti-Semitism or racism of any kind. This must be clear to everyone who has dealings with HHU, expresses an opinion at the University or enters our campus.”

Anyone who feels unsafe on campus can make use of the accompaniment service offered by security staff. Please call the service point in building on +49 211 81-11666 or send an e-mail to servicepoint(at)hhu.de. In an emergency, you can reach the HHU Hazardous Incidents Office by calling +49 211 81-13333 on your mobile phone or 112 on a campus landline.

Counselling offers

Psychological Counselling Service at the SSC
Psychological study guidance (hhu.de)

Psychotherapeutic Institute Outpatient Clinic (PIA)
Psychotherapeutic Institute Outpatient Clinic (hhu.de)
+49 211 81-13529

HCSD Diversity Section at HHU
+49 211 81-13301

For students: International Office at HHU
+49 211 81-10726

Complaints Office pursuant to Art. 13 General Act on Equal Treatment (Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz – AGG) at the Legal Unit
+49 211 81-14248

General Student’s Committee (AStA): Life and conflict counselling, coaching, legal advice, etc.
astahhu.de/beratungen (German only)
+49 211 81-13281

Discrimination report service offered by the General Student’s Committee (AStA)
astahhu.de/diskriminierungsmelder (German only)

Studierendenwerk student support service organisation/Social Services

Muslim Student Community Düsseldorf (Muslimische Hochschulgemeinde Düsseldorf – MHG)
mhg-duesseldorf.de (German only)
+49 152 58958007

Pastoral support

Jewish Student Group Düsseldorf (Jüdische Hochschulgruppe Düsseldorf – JHG)
jsud.de (German only)
Instagram: @jhgduesseldorf

Catholic Students’ Community (Katholische Hochschulgemeinde – KHG)
+49 211 93492-0

Protestant Student Community Düsseldorf (Evangelische Studierenden Gemeinde – ESG)
esg-duesseldorf.de (German only)
+49 211 3610208 (mobile: +49 173 6167874)

Charities (examples)

Autor/in: Redaktion
Kategorie/n: INTRANET News, Schlagzeilen, Auch in Englisch, Forschungsnews Englisch