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PPE - Philosophy, Politics and Economics
Bachelor of Arts (Integrative study programme)

Short description

Short description

The study programme Philosophy, Politics and Economics (BA) at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf is arranged as an integrative Bachelor Study programme. It is assigned to the Faculty of Arts and Humainities and the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics. As an interdisciplinary study programme it combines the subjects Philosophy, Political Science and Economics and allows for a comphrehensive approach to social challenges.

Entry/Admission requirements

Admission condition for the study programme Philosophy, Politics and Economics is the general or subject-specific school-leaving qualification permitting university entry. A high degree of faculty of abstraction as well as distinguished accomplishments in mathematics, German and English are desirable. Programme start is each winter semester.

Programme content

The interdisciplinary Bachelor study programme is structured into two fields which are associated with steadily increasing specialization and a progressive scientific claim.

In the first two academic years the students are familiarised with the fundamentals and methods of Philosophy, Political Science and Economics. Individual focus on either Political Science or Economics is possible.

The third academic year lays the focus on interdisciplinarity. The three involved subjects Philosophy, Political Science and Economics are brought together and deepened/adavanced as well as field-tested within the frame of an internship and the PPE-Bachelorforum. The Bachelor thesis at the end of the study is meant to furnish proof of acquired contentual and methodological skills.

The Bachelor study programme Philosophy, Politics and Economics shall be finished in six semesters.

Programme structure

The interdisciplinary Bachelor study programme is structured into two fields.

In the first two academic years the students are familiarised with fundamentals and methods of Philosophy, Political Science and Economics. Advanced knowledge within the scope of Philosophy are acquired in practical and theoretical philosophy, logic, Political Philosophy and Philosophy of Economics. Political Systems are studied within the scope of Political Science. Within the scope of Economy the fundamentals of Political Economy (micro- and macroeconomics) and Economic Policy are studied. Furthermore, method modules from either Political Science or Economics are studied depending on the individual student´s focus. Those are either Data Collection and Statistical Analysis (Political Science) or Statistics I, Statistics II and Econometrics (Economy).

In the third academic year the Focus is on interdisciplinarity. The three involved subjects Philosophy, Political Science and Economics are brought together and deepened/adavanced. This is accomplished by interdisciplinary courses (e.g. International Relations and European Integration, Agents and Communication, Organizations and Stuctures). Field trials are accomplished by an internship and participation in the PPE-Bachelorforum. The Bachelor thesis at the end of the is meant to furnish proof of acquired contentual and methodological skills.

Note: It is advisable to do the internship towards the end of the study (e.g. fourth and fifth semester).

Programme objectives/Career prospects

The study programme aims to train graduates to make responsible decisions at the interface between Economics and Politics as well as provide decision makers with professional advice. The acquired competencies in dealing with various different kinds of problems qualify the graduates for managerial functions in Politics and Economics, public administration, organizations, associations and foundations, NGOs and Think Tanks, marketing and journalism.

Programme start:
Winter semester
Programme duration:
6 semesters
Language of instruction:
German (partially: English)
Application procedure:
Local admission restrictions - DoSV
Closing date for applications:
Closing date for enrolment:
As stated in letter of acceptance
Closing date for re-registration:
15/01/2025 - 15/02/2025
Relevant documents:

Examination regulations

Module guide

Both available in German only.

Study programme contact:

Julian Pöhling

Raum: 23.32.U1.64

Tel.: +49 211 81-12919

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Study programme/Department
SSC contact:

Student Services Center (SSC)
Building: 21.02 / SSC
Phone +49 211 81‐12345
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For questions regarding the course of studies and for examination issues:

Student and Examination Administration
Contact Examination Administration

Student Services Center (SSC)

Offers for prospective students

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