Statutes and regulations at Heinrich Heine University
From enrolment to de-registration...
The official enrolment rules of the University of Düsseldorf govern, amongst others, study procedures from an administrative and legal aspect.
Themes are, for example, applying for a course of study, enrolment requirements, leave of absence, de-registration and other issues concerned with study procedures and progress.
- Enrolment rules (in German)
Other legislation and rules
- Policy statement of HHU on the introduction of tuition fees (in German)
- Contributions and Charges Statutes of HHU (in German)
- Amendment to the Contributions and Charges Statutes (in German)
Other legislation and rules in English
- Rules for Proof of Language Proficiency for Admission to Studies at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf 10.07.2012 (in English)