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Statutory health insurance schemes (= gesetzliche Krankenkassen)

All students (with the exception of PhD students and German language course participants) must prove that they have German statutory health insurance on enrolment. In the case of international students, proof of health insurance from their home country is not sufficient.

Health insurance

Pursuant to Section 199a of the German Social Code (SGB) V, a mutual reporting obligation exists between statutory health insurance companies and universities. Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf has been using the electronic student health insurance reporting process (Studenten-Meldeverfahren – SMV) since 1 January 2022. From this date onwards, health insurance reports in paper form can no longer be accepted.

At the latest on enrolment, we require an electronic report of your insurance status from your health insurance company. It is therefore very important that you contact your health insurance company in good time to enable them to send us the required report. If you have private health insurance and wish to retain it during your studies, please contact a statutory health insurance company of your choice to find out about the legal consequences of an exemption from the statutory health insurance obligation. Statutory health insurance companies must also report any exemption to us electronically.

Please inform the health insurance company of our sender ID number H0000556.

Students who are already enrolled do not need to do anything unless they choose to switch to a different health insurance company. In this case, we need an electronic report from the new health insurance company.

You can obtain information about health insurance from the statutory health insurance companies in Germany. You can find more information on the statutory health insurance data exchange/student reporting process here (German only).