Scholarship award ceremony on 14 December 2022
459 HHU students have been awarded a “German National Scholarship”
In the current funding phase, HHU is able to provide 459 high-performing students with financial support within the framework of the »Seizing Opportunities« German National Scholarship programme at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (HHU). This makes HHU the undisputed leader among universities in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW).
This year’s award ceremony, which was held in lecture theatre 3A on 14 December, got going with a bang: In the spirit of Heine, who urged people to bang the drum, the percussion trio “beats and noises” helped participants get into the swing of things – with good reason: In the current funding year, 85 donors (private donors, foundations and companies) have provided financial support of more than EUR826,000 to a total of 459 students from all five faculties. The basis of the German National Scholarship programme is the “matching” procedure: The Federal Government doubles every donation received, enabling more than 1.6 million euros in total to be awarded.
HHU President Professor Anja Steinbeck began by excusing Professor Dr Hannelore Riesner, Ambassador for Scholarships and “the heart of this event”. The Chair of the Advisory Board for University Funding, who became one of the very first donors, was unfortunately unable to play her usual part in the event for health reasons.
The German National Scholarship is oriented to performance criteria, with funding going to students who are in the top 10 – 15% of their year. In addition to school and study grades, personal social commitment is also taken into account in the selection process, as is students’ willingness to assume responsibility or ability to overcome obstacles in life and education. Seven students with children and 46 individuals seeking advancement through education are currently receiving support. All scholarship holders receive financial support of EUR300 per month over a period of at least two semesters.
This year, acting as representatives of all current scholarship holders, four students took part in an on-stage panel discussion with President Professor Anja Steinbeck and provided an insight into their achievements to date, motivation behind their studies and interests. Tobias Vehling has already completed a degree in finance (Diplom-Finanzwirt) and has now begun a law degree, majoring in tax law. Julius Höner is in the seventh semester of his biology degree. The scholarship enables him “to develop ideas for practical nature conservation such as the restoration of a bog habitat and purchase new research equipment.” Nina Liebrand has a full calendar – alongside her activities as a competitive athlete, she is studying molecular biomedicine and computer science at master’s level. New student Katharina Steeger chose HHU “because the financial and actuarial mathematics study programme is only offered here” and volunteers as a presbyter in her spare time.