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Events & News


Diversity Conference 2023 for Staff

UNIVERSEH staff had the opportunity to meet different HHU authors working in the diversity framework (e.g. women in science, equal opportunities, talentscout). Each gave a brief presentation; the audience had the opportunity to ask questions and discuss relevant topics.

Stakeholders Speed-Meeting

In the framework of the UNIVERSEH consortium meeting in June 2023, our stakeholders, the German Aerospace Center (DLR), GREATECH GmbH and BHO-Legal, introduced themselves and shared with the audince what they expect and offer to the Alliance.


14-16th April - Hybrid event

Register here - till 15th March

Organised by Technoport SA, UNIVERSEH European Space University, InTech, European Space Resources Innovation Centre (ESRIC) and Digital Learning Hub Luxembourg.

Latest News

Polish as a Foreign Language Certificate

HHU is the only certified Examination Centre in Germany for the language certificate Polish as a Foreign Language (A2-C1). An important milestone for international students & researchers on their way to a Polish university, such as our UNIVERSEH partner, AGH in Krakow.

Past Courses at HHU

Past Events at HHU

Social Media Training - Twitter, TikTok & Co

Don't know how to present your research on social media? Beyond UNIVERSEH's online Social Media Training for PhD students and researchers can help. Register now!

Are you fascinated by space and innovative science? Then participate in one of our workshops or visit a Space Talk on May 11th . All students and researchers are welcome! Click here to learn more.

Call for Invited UNIVERSEH Lectures

Series of multidisciplinary lectures on the topic of sustainability related to the space sector. 

For PhD student, researcher or stakeholders. Sept 30th 2022! Link no more available.

1st Online Media Training

How do I communicate my research to journalists or through social media? Join Beyond UNIVERSEHs’ 1st online Media Training if you are a PhD student or researcher!

Past External Events

Space Tech Expo Europe, Nov. 2022 in Bremen

One of the most important event for the space community and meeting place for space business, technology and innovation. UNIVERSEH visited the Expo with the aim of increases the awareness and visibility of the Alliance and to strength new relationships with partners.

International Astronautical Congress 2022

Booth of the UNIVERSEH Alliance at the International Astronautical Congress (IAC) in Sept. 2022 in Paris.