Personal Profile HHU Ambassadors
Dr. Judith Paulus
Lonza Biotechnology
Slough, UK
Stay at HHU:
PhD at Institute of Biochemical Plant Physiology
Prof. Georg Groth
Research Interests:
I am interested in the activation and interaction of plant proteases such as the PLCP Rcr3 and their involvement
in plant immunity.
Research Experiences:
2014 - 2019 Postdoctoral researcher (with Prof. R. vdHoorn) University of Oxford, UK/ MPI Cologne Germany
2009 - 2013 Graduate student (with Prof. Georg Groth) HHU Duesseldorf
01 - 06/2012 Visiting scientist, , in the group of R. Michael Garavito, Biochemistry, MSU, East Lansing, USA
2008 - 2009 Diploma thesis (with Prof. Georg Groth) HHU Duesseldorf
2004 - 2008 Undergraduate student Biology, HHU Duesseldorf