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Language courses for international students

Language - Sprache - idioma - lingua - langue - język - язы́к

The Students Academy at HHU offers you a wide range of creditable interdisciplinary courses parallel to your regular study path at the HHU. According to your individual focus, we support you in career orientation and developing soft and study skills as well as interdisciplinary competencies. Furthermore we offer courses for more than 20 languages including German as a foreign language.

In cooperation with HHU, the AStA (Allgemeiner Studierendenausschuss) offers preparatory German language classes that will enable you to acquire a language certificate (DSH, TestDaF, etc.).

HHU also offers German classes für refugees. The classes are crash courses planned for 24 hours a week.

With the help of “Sprachbuddys”, refugees should get the chance to come into contact with the German language and their peers.

An diesem Treffen kann jeder teilnehmen, der Spaß daran hat, Sprachen auf spielerische Weise zu lernen: Sprachcafé mOndial

Eine andere Möglichkeit, eine Sprache zu erlernen, sind das Sprachtandem und der internationaler Sprachtreff. Hier lernen Sie mit viel Spaß und vor allem ohne jeden Druck: Sprachtandem und Sprachtreff