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Sustainable Space Conference

How can we tackle climate change or manage natural resources better?

The UNIVERSEH Team at Luleå University of Technology cordially invites you to apply to its Sustainable Space Student Conference taking place in winter 2024/spring 2025 on their campus in Luleå. The 7 selected students will have the chance to participate in an interesting programme, discussing questions about sustainable space travels and enriching their intercultural skillset with around 50 other students from the Alliance.

The European University for Earth and Humanity (UNIVERSEH), is a European University Alliance funded by the European Commission. Starting from November 2020 UNIVERSEH is an Alliance of now 7 partner universities, spread all over Europe, that aims to  create new higher education interactive experiences for the university community, teachers and students, and for the benefit of society as a whole.

Q & A

The Sustainable Space Student Conference is a short-term mobility offer by UNIVERSEH.

It consists of three days spend locally in Lulea, Sweden with an intense programme of lectures, assignments and interactive workshops.

Open to all undergrad and graduate students enrolled at Heinrich Heine University. All study levels are welcome (BA, MA, State Examination, PHD), regardless of the field of studies. No pre-knowledge expected.

Get together with 50 students of the UNIVERSEH Alliance to learn about how a sustainable development can be addressed in different scales. From supporting health, equality, culture and skill in our daily life on earth, protecting the environment and helping to tackle climate change and managing natural resources, and access to outer space in a sustainable way.

Enrich your interdisciplinary and intercultural skillset and be part of creating an innovative approach to the subject of space in the multiple domains you students are representing.

The flight from Düsseldorf to Luleå and back home are paid by UNIVERSEH. Accommodation in Luleå is reserved and financed by UNIVERSEH.

Complete the application form and shortly answer the question why you think space sustainability is important (max. 300 words). Please also attach a current certificate of study. Please send your complete application documents in one PDF file to universeh(at)hhu.de.

Please keep in mind that only complete applications can be considered within the selection of participants.

Application deadline: May 31st, 2024, 11.59 pm

In case of questions please don't hesitate to contact us.