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Academic Further Education for Professionals in Düsseldorf

Knowledge Transfer from University into the Job Market

Further academic education means learning at a university or university of applied science after initial higher education or vocational training. You do not have to be a scientist to take part in academic further education. Academic means that the  education takes place:

  • at a university
  • at university level
  • according to scientific knowledge and methods

The further education courses can be individual workshops or entire degree programmes.

Work is changing.

Do you want to keep your finger on the pulse of your specialist field? Would you like to expand your knowledge so that you can get through your day-to-day work without any worries?

Universities are opening up.

The Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf offers working citizens professional further education at an academic level. Led by experts from the university and based on current research. 

Find the right course for you here!  Requests for exclusive trainings for companies are also accepted.

Upcoming Courses:

Further dates and events:

11. Mittagspausentreff: NRW Qualitätsdiskurs

15. Oktober 2024, 12.00-13.30 Uhr

Transferveranstaltung "Come & Cooperate Vol.6"

Hinweis: Wenn Sie als Dozent*in eine Weiterbildung planen, kontaktieren Sie uns für eine unverbindliche kostenlose Beratung.

6. November 2024 Anmeldung
12. Mittagspausentreff: NRW Qualitätsdiskurs 19. November 2024, 12.00-13.30 Uhr
13. Mittagspausentreff: NRW Qualitätsdiskurs 17. Dezember 2024, 12.00-13.30 Uhr


 Note: If you are a lecturer planning a further education course , please contact us for a free consultation.

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