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Bank details and payment

Bank details and payment

Bank transfers for the social fee, or for late registration fees, whether as a regular student, a guest student (Gasthörer), doctoral auditor (Promotionshörer) or cross-registered student (Zweithörer) are part of everyday life at the university.

Attention: This procedure does not apply for exchange students (ERASMUS, DAAD, partner universities of the HHU etc.) that are enrolled by the International Office. Students enrolled by the International Office please pay by EC bank card from a German account in the Student Service Center.

Please make all payments to the appropriate account number and remember to state your matriculation number:

Account number for the social fee, the fee for guest auditors (Gasthörer), doctoral auditors (Promotionshörer), cross-registered auditors (Zweithörer) and for late registration fees

Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
IBAN:    DE55 3005 0000 0004 0011 11

Handling and late-payment fees

Please look after your student identification card carefully as a handling fee of €10 will be charged should you require a duplicate. For late registration or re-registration, or for late payment of any fees, an administration fee of €10 will also be charged. It is not possible to pay these in cash. Please submit proof of the transfer (e.g. a copy of your account statement) or pay by EC bank card in the Student Service Centre (SSC).

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