Dual Career Support
Both in the appointment of professors and in the hiring of executives (m/f/d), the professional perspectives of the partners often play a decisive role with regard to the choice of the place of professional activity.
The Dual Career Support of the Heinrich Heine University is a counseling and contact point for dual career couples and would like to accompany them by providing relevant information and appropriate support in the independent search for an adequate career perspective, with the objective of being able to meet the specific situation of dual career couples.
For example, Dual Career Support offers information on topics such as job search, childcare and compatibility.
In addition, Heinrich Heine University is a partner in the Dual Career Network Rhineland and can thus facilitate the exchange with other dual career partners and relevant professional contacts. Further information can be found at Dual Career Netzwerk Rheinland.
We are happy to answer your questions. We welcome suggestions at any time.
Contact persons:
FamilyCounselingOffice (FBB)
Dipl.-Social pedagogue Petra Wackers
Building: 16.11
Floor/Room: 00.76
Phone: +49 211 81-10822
Central Equal Opportunity Officer of the Heinrich Heine University
Dr. Anja Vervoorts
Building: 16.11
Floor/Room: 00.25
Phone: +49 211 81-13886
Human Resources Development (D 3.3)
Inga Voß
Building: 16.11
Floor/Room: 02.22
Phone: +49 211 81-12784