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Safety on campus

Safety is a top priority at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf. From safety on the campus roads and paths to self-defence and protection from sexual assaults, the University attaches great importance to ensuring you feel safe while working and studying here.

The HHU security service has compiled useful numbers and tips for dangerous situations for you.


Now that it is getting dark earlier, some may feel concerned about walking around the extensive campus. Anyone who is out later in the evening can contact the security service on extension 11666 and register in advance for the accompaniment service.


To prevent sexualised assaults on campus and to protect all university students and staff, HHU has set out guidelines on dealing with sexualised discrimination and violence and established a point of contact for complaints and advice.


Pregnant women may use special parking spaces on campus from the sixth month of pregnancy. An informal written application including the vehicle registration certificate and pregnancy record booklet is sufficient.


To prevent sexualised assaults on campus and to protect all university students and staff, HHU has set out guidelines on dealing with sexualised discrimination and violence and established a point of contact for complaints and advice.


The purpose of the German General Act on Equal Treatment (Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz – AGG), which entered into force in 2006, is to prevent or stop discrimination on the grounds of Race or ethnic origin, Gender, Religion or belief, Disability, Age or Sexual orientation. Legislators have explicitly stipulated that employees have the right to lodge complaints.
