Deputy Equal Opportunities Officer
The deputy equal opportunity officers support the institutions in fulfilling the statutory equal opportunity mandate and work closely with the central equal opportunity officer. They pursue their tasks by providing comprehensive advice, support and encouragement to female university members and are established with deputies in all faculties and central institutions.
The Equal Opportunity Officers...
PD Dr. med. Anja Moldenhauer Building: 17.11 Floor/Room: 03.05 Phone: +49 211 81-06565 Send Email | Dr. med. Nadine Freitag Building: 17.11 Floor/Room: 03.05 Phone: +49 211 81-06565 Send Email |
Silja Querbach M.Sc. Building: 17.11 Floor/Room: 03.05 Phone: +49 211 81-06565 Send Email |
The counseling and support offered by the Faculty Equal Opportunity Officer is extensive. In addition to information on the working time rights of employees on parental leave to the hiring of substitutes for expectant mothers, the Faculty of Medicine also offers a subsidy for the childcare costs of scientists in the Silencium.
An excerpt from the information offers at a glance:
- Part-time parental leave
- Financing of a substitute for expectant mothers and employees on parental leave
- Contract extensions for employed parents and caregivers
Funding opportunities for scientists with children:
- Individual childcare at Silencium
- Settlement of childcare costs
Initiatives among others:
- Forum Gender in Medicine
- Network of female professors at the Faculty of Medicine
Prof. Dr. Anke Hilbrenner Building: 23.31 Floor/Room: 05.62 Phone: +49 211 81-12928 Send Email | Dr. Kathrin Dreckmann Building: 24.21 Floor/Room: 03.27 Phone: +49 211 81-13679 Send Email |
Prof. Dr. Regina Schober Building: 23.21 Floor/Room: 02.84 Phone: +49 211 81-14925 Send Email | Christine Stender Building: 24.51 Floor/Room: 00.29 Phone: +49 211 81-14645 Send Email |
Prof. Dr. Eva-Maria Troelenberg Building: 24.51 Floor/Room: 01.24 Phone: +49 211 81-11956 Send Email | Dr. Elfi Vomberg Building: 23.21 Floor/Room: 01.111 Phone: +49 211 81-12136 Send Email |
The following information can be found on the Faculty Equal Opportunity Officer page of the Faculty of Arts:
- Women's Grants
- Further promotion
- Annual reports
- Faculty plans for the advancement of women
- Women's advancement plan commission
Prof. Dr. Petra Bauer Building: 26.13 Floor/Room: 02.36 Phone: +49 211-81 13479 Send Email | Dr. Barbara Gioffreda Building: 26.23 Floor/Room: 02.29 Phone: +49 211-81 13828 Send Email |
Dr. Lioba Schlösser Building: 25.43 Floor/Room: 02.028 Phone.: +49 211-81 14797 Send E-Mail | Dr. Aleksandra Živković Building: 26.22 Floor/Room: 01.22 Phone: +49 211-81 15266 Send Email |
The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences supports female academic staff on application from the Women's Promotion Fund with measures to reconcile family and career (e.g. financial support for childcare in connection with conference travel).
Prof. Dr. Katharina Lugani Building: 24.81 Floor/Room: 02.45 Phone: +49 211 81-11429 Send Email | Dr. Linn-Karen Fischer Building: 24.91 Floor/Room: U1.21 Phone: +49 211 81-15653 Send Email |
The Equal Opportunity Officer of the Faculty of Law regularly organizes a series of events for female students and doctoral candidates to present career fields with female role models. Young parents can be supported with research work for their doctorate with SHK funds.
Prof. Dr. Katharina Erhardt Building: 24.31 Floor/Room: 01.01 Phone: +49 211 81-10251 Send Email | Prof. Dr. Eva Lutz Building: 23.32 Floor/Room: 00.31 Phone: +49 211 81-15525 Send Email |
Prof. Dr. Hannah Schildberg-Hörisch Building: 24.31 Floor/Room: 01.16 Phone: +49 211 81-14318 Send Email |
The Faculty of Business and Economics allocates funds annually in its budget for the promotion of junior female scientists (such as for travel expenses or fees for continuing education and training).
Olga Böse Building: 23.21 Floor/Room: 04.080 Phone: +49 211 81-12752 Send Email | Janine Janus M.A.; MBA Building: 24.21 Floor/Room: - Phone: +49 211 81-15915 Send Email |
Heidrun Riese Building: 23.03 Floor/Room: 02.64 Phone: +49 211 81-11665 Send Email | Dipl. Soz.-Päd. Petra Wackers Building: 16.11 Floor/Room: 00.76 Phone: +49 211 81-10822 Send Email |
Juliane Feustel Building: 37.03 Floor/Room: 04.14 Phone: +49 211 81-12204 Send Email |
Lena Coenen Send Email | Ella Katharina van Hees Send Email |
Alisha Reinhardt Send Email | Sonja Willkowski Send Email |
Daniela Abraham Building: 12.50 Floor/Room: EG.03 Phone: +49 211 81-18835 Send Email |