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Sexualised discrimination and violence

Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf sees itself as a place where everyone treats each other with respect. It feels that it has a duty to prevent sexualised discrimination, harassment and violence, and define effective intervention procedures.
To protect all employees and students who have been or are affected by sexualised incidents, HHU has not only published guidelines on dealing with sexualised discrimination and violence (see below), but also provides various points of contact for complaints and advice.

If you have experienced sexualised discrimination or violence, you can contact the following people in trust:

Central Equal Opportunities Officer
Dr. Anja Vervoorts
+49 211 81-13886
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Complaints Office pursuant to Art. 13 of the General Act on Equal Treatment (Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz – AGG), based at the Legal Unit
Kirsten Ugowski, legal assessor (ass. jur.)                      
Tel.: +49 211 81-14248                
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Isabel Schenk Ass. jur.              
Tel.: +49 211 81-10408
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