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Coverage of childcare costs for committee members

In some cases, childcare may be necessary, for example when you need to participate in committee meetings, interviews, seminars, commissions, etc.
The University offers its members the following services:

Getting female academics involved in university self-governance is beneficial for their careers. However, the large number of committees and the low proportion of women in some faculties and units frequently means that female academics have to participate in multiple committees. Support needs to be provided to enable qualified female BA/MA/PhD students, postdocs and assistant professors to take up membership of elected committees (Senate, appointment commissions, Faculty Councils).

To achieve this and, at the same time, ensure the implementation of Art. 11b of the Higher Education Act of North Rhine-Westphalia (Hochschulgesetz NRW – HG NRW), which stipulates that all university committees must comprise equal numbers of men and women, HHU will contribute to individual childcare costs – not just outside regular childcare hours – where necessary and on prior application.

The costs for childcare outside regular childcare hours will be reimbursed on submission of the invoice (max. €12.50/hour; children up to 12 years of age; max. €400 in total per year per applicant). For children under the age of three, costs will also be reimbursed during regular childcare hours if no nursery place or similar is available. Childcare costs for children with special needs will be covered on a pro rata basis until the end of the compulsory schooling period.

You can organise someone yourself to care for your child in a home environment.

Target group: Women who are BA/MA/PhD students, postdocs and junior professors (W1). This offer also applies for individuals whose position is comparable with a position held by a person with a university employment contract (postdocs with a grant or own funding, “employee-like” position).
The offer does not apply for the Medical Faculty and individuals with an employment contract with the Medical Faculty and/or University Hospital Düsseldorf. The Medical Faculty offers its own programme – please see the website of the Medical Faculty.

Please direct any further questions to the office of the Central Equal Opportunities Officer:

Helen Goslich (Dipl. Kffr., Dipl. Hdl.)

Tel.: +49 211 81-13886

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