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Heine Center for Academic Further Education

Academic Further Education

Academic further education are academic courses for professionals who  already obtained a university degree or vocational education. Learning can take place in individual workshops or entire continuing education courses customized to working professionals. The further education courses take place at university qualification level; i.e. contents can be complex and cover aspects from theory to practice. Lecturers are experts in their field and teach scientific knowledge and methods.

Academic further education was established in the 1970s in Germany, where it is incorporated into higher education legislation as a responsibility of universities. Since then, centres for academic further education have supported their universities in the organisation and implementation of these further education courses.

Our service

We support the visibility of events and other activities in the field of professional development and qualification for professionals.

In addition, we offer services related to information, planning and implementation of further education for professionals. We advise lecturers in the field of continuing education and support them offering further education courses. Likewise, we advise professionals to find matching further education programs at the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf.

We also serve as facilitators for lecturers and companies seeking further education for their own employees or for their management levels.


Prof. Dr. Christoph J. Börner
Prorektor für Studienqualität und Lehre


Dr. Jana Emontz
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
Werdener Str. 4
40227 Düsseldorf

Floor/Room: 2.10
+49 211 81-13053


Szilvia Jancso-Papoutsis
Michèle Frigger

You want to continue your education while working? Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf has a wide range of further education courses for you on its homepage.

Are you looking for a customized further education program for your company? Find information on our webpage for companies or and learn about our in-house education program.

Do you want to offer further education courses? and plan a seminar for professionals with us.

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