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Teaching and working abroad

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is the main source of support for anyone planning to teach or conduct research at a university abroad. The DAAD helps both in arranging and financing such a stay abroad. Feel free to search through the following scholarship databases to find the suitable funding programme for your lectureship abroad.

Erasmus+ supports visiting lecturers at European partner universities that hold a valid Erasmus University Charter (ECHE). The aim is to strengthen the European dimension of the host institution through the stay of visiting lecturers and to thereby complement the courses offered by the host institution as well as to impart international expertise to students who do not intend to or simple cannot study abroad. Find detailed information on the website of HHU's international office.


This DAAD scholarship programme is aimed at young university graduates who not only want to gain practical teaching experience in teaching German abroad, but also want to live intercultural exchange. It offers the opportunity to teach German for 10 months at a university abroad and to receive a DAAD scholarship. Further information can be found at the section Sprachassistentenprogramm of the DAAD website.

In the framework of its lecturer programme, the DAAD places lecturers mainly in the field of German Studies, but also in other subject areas. A large number of placements are advertised for young researchers. For vacancies and further information, please visit the DAAD website.


The DAAD mediates and/or supports lectureships abroad. These range from short and long-term lectureships to lectureships in North America and opportunities for retired professors. For more information click on the following links:

The DAAD’s Local Support Programme for Teaching Assistants offers professional support for about 770 German teaching staff abroad who teach primarily in the areas of German language, literature and regional/cultural studies. Further information can be found on the DAAD website under Local Support Programme for Teaching Assistants.


Do your employees want to gain experience in a different working environment, for instance at a university or in the private sector of another country?  Then, you should consider to make use of the RISE programme (Research and Innovation Staff Exchange). It funds short-term stays for career development purposes, combining scientific excellence and exposure to other countries and sectors. RISE thereby facilitates closer contacts between academic and non-academic organisations in Europe and also worldwide.

Staff can be seconded for periods ranging from one month to one year. A minimum of six months' work in research and innovation or related fields is required before the start of the secondment. Upon its completion, the fellows return to their home institution and pass on their gained knowledge and expertise. RISE projects can be funded for up to four years. Find further information on the website of the EU’s Horizon 2020 Programme.



Junior Scientist and International Reseracher Center
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