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Cross-registered students

If you are already enrolled as a regular student at another university in Germany, you can enrol as a cross-registered student at HHU. You have two alternatives:

1.)   Regular cross-registered student enrolled in a further study programme, which is not the same as the study programme at your first university.

All undergraduate, Bachelor's core- and supplemental study programs as well as Master's- and PhD study programmes with open admission. You can only choose a study program different from the subject you are studying at the second university. Please not that this restriction only refers to the subject of your studies but not the target degree. This means that you are for example allowed to be enrolled in two Bachelor's programs at different universities but not two times in the same subject, e.g. computer science.

Yes. However, there are several points you need to observe. You are only allowed to be enrolled in one study programme with restricted admission at one university. For example: If you are enrolled in a bachelor’s study programme with restricted admission as a regular student, you are only allowed to enrol in study programmes with unrestricted admission as a cross-registered student.  However, if you are enrolled in a study programme with unrestricted admission as a regular student, you are allowed to enrol in a study programme with restricted admission as a cross-registered student. However, you still have to apply for admission to the study programme in the usual way here. In this case, you must also provide us with proof when enrolling that your first study programme at your first university is a programme with unrestricted admission. Obtaining written confirmation of this from your university is usually not an issue.


For subjects with unrestricted admission, the regular application deadline applies, while the specific individual application deadlines apply for subjects with restricted admission. You can find the deadlines for application and re-registration here.

If you cannot be re-registered due to missing documents, you will be de-registered in the third week of lectures with the reason given as “Failure to re-register”. Withdrawal of the de-registration and subsequent re-registration for the next semester is then only possible within one month. After that, the de-registration is legally binding.


Yes. You are entitled to take all exams in your study programme and gain a degree at your second university.


You do not need to pay the semester fee for enrolment as a regular cross-registered student as you have already paid it at your first university.

No. You will only receive confirmation of your status as a cross-registered student. You will not receive a travel pass.



For enrolment as a regular cross-registered student, please register and apply on the following page under the menu item “Application and enrolment”. Please refer to the FAQ on this page to see which study programmes accept cross-registered students.
If you have been granted admission and wish to accept it and enrol, please select “Parallel studies” in the portal.
A certificate of enrolment for the same semester from your first university is required for enrolment.


Would you like to re-register as a regular cross-registered student? After logging into the E-Student-Services portal, you can submit a “repeat application” under “My studies” -> “Locks”. You need to upload the certificate of enrolment for the next semester from your first university for this.

2.) Cross-registered students for individual classes.

Students enrolled at other universities can be enrolled as cross-registered students with the right to attend classes and complete course-related assessments. This means you can attend classes at your second university and gain performance certificates.

No. You are not allowed to take exam components as a cross-registered student for individual classes. You can only complete coursework and course-related assessments.

Coursework is not graded and can usually be repeated as often as you like. Coursework can include e.g. essays or presentations.

By contrast, exam components are graded, can only be repeated a limited number of times – usually two to three times – and the result counts toward your final grade. Only regularly enrolled students and regular cross-registered students are permitted to complete exam components such as final module exams and bachelor’s or master’s exams. Exam components are usually written exams, oral exams or term papers.

Please note that, as a consequence of the regulations described above, you will be entered in the Heinrich Heine University exam registration system in such a way that you cannot register for exams. You should therefore discuss what options you have for completing coursework in the individual classes with the corresponding lecturers in advance.

Participation in the individual classes must be agreed with the corresponding faculties and lecturers. You must submit a participation certificate on enrolment (part of the cross-registered student application). You are not allowed to attend other classes.


You can find the deadlines for application and re-registration for the individual semesters here.


The cross-registered student fee is €100 per semester.

No. You will only receive confirmation of your status as a cross-registered student. You will not receive a travel pass.


You can find the application form for initial enrolment as a cross-registered student for individual classes on this page (German only).

The following documents must be submitted with the application:

 1. Certificate of enrolment from your first university.

 2. Copy of your university entrance qualification.

Please note: German nationals with a university entrance qualification from a foreign country need to obtain a certificate from the Regional Government (Bezirksregierung) confirming that foreign certificates are accepted. A copy of the certificate must be submitted.

 3. Only for cross-registered students for individual classes: payment confirmation.

As a cross-registered student for individual classes, you need to pay the cross-registered student fee of €100 to the following account:

Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
IBAN: DE55 3005 0000 0004 0011 11



Would you like to re-register as a cross-registered student for individual classes? Please use this application form (German only) and upload it together with the certificate of enrolment for the next semester from your first university under “My studies” -> “Locks” in the E-Student-Services portal.