Center of Information and Media Technology (ZIM)
The Centre for Information and Media Technology (ZIM) offers students, doctoral researchers and employees of HHU various individualised services. For this purpose, the ZIM uses a central identity management system (IDM).
Most of the services are available using the so-called "Uni-Kennung" which is a personal ID (=user name + (initial) password).
You will receive your e-mail address automatically as soon as you have a personal university identification.
PhD students receive their personal university ID (Uni-Kennung) automatically upon enrolment.
Employees receive their personal university ID (Uni-Kennung) automatically by a letter sent to their institute or department.
Guest researchers can receive the university ID automatically after successful registration in the HHU guest portal. The registration in the guest portal must be done by the hosting institute: HHU guest portal
For guest researchers from Medical Institutes: please contact the "Studiendekanat" of the Medical Faculty.
The activation of the personal university ID and the administration of the password can be done online at the IDM portal.
ZIM services available with the personal ID (websites only in German):
- W-LAN at HHU
- Email-Address
- Registration for HIS-LSF
- Student portal / Lecturer portal
- ILIAS E-Learning
- VPN-Server
For more information please visit the website of ZIM.
Note: The university ID cannot directly be used as the login to access the services of the University Library (ULB). You first need to apply for a membership card at the ULB. Further information can be found here.