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The Senate

The Senate is the only central University institution where all members of the University are represented and where they can meet to discuss various matters and problems concerning the University. It is involved in all fundamental, structural decisions affecting the University and supports the Rectorate by contributing aspects from all areas of the University to this process. The Forum of the Senate contributes to making decision processes more transparent and open, promotes cooperation between the groups and faculties in a spirit of trust and also helps establish a common political will within the University.

The tasks of the Senate are defined by law and include commentary on the annual report by the Rectorate, the adoption and amendment of University regulations, as well as recommendations and commentary on the draft University Development Plan and the draft version of the agreement on objectives (Hochschulvertrag) concluded between HHU and the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, evaluation reports, the business plan and the principles for the allocation of posts and resources to the departments, facilities and operating units of the University. The Senate is also involved in the election and de-selection of members of the Rectorate.

Any questions or suggestions relating to the Senate and its work should be addressed to its members, who are representatives of the various groups and faculties.

Members by status group


Professor Dr Bruno Bleckmann, Professor Dr Ulrich Karl Decking, Professor Dr Tanja Natascha Fehm, Professor Dr Axel Görlitz, Professor Dr Wolfram Trudo Knoefel, Professor Dr Kai Köhler, Professor Dr Klaus Pfeffer, Professor Dr Ingo Plag, Professor Dr Rupprecht Podszun, Professor Dr Thomas Poguntke, Professor Dr Christine Rosemarie Rose, Professor Dr Michael Schmitt, Professor Dr Kilu von Prince, Professor Dr Barbara Weißenberger, Professor Dr Dagmar Wieczorek

Academic staff

Dr Christian Dumpitak, Dr Sabine Etges, Dr Jasmin Grande, Dr Ursula Kessen, Dr Tobias Winnerling


Lilly Jeppel, Maximilian Kisters, Johann Igor Lensing, Robin Raffael Solinus, Lucas Ferdinand Wißmann

Technical and administrative staff

Janine Janus, Simone Jawor-Jussen, Veronika Mendorf, René Michalski

Dates, agendas and resolutions

Please refer to the German page to see all details and data.