HHU Mobility Grants and PROMOS-scholarship
Stipendien für Aufenthalte außerhalb des Erasmus-Raums
Do you need financial support for a stay abroad you are planning? Welcome to the International Office.
You can find everything you need to know about HHU Mobility Grants and PROMOS grants on this page.
HHU students can obtain grants for stays abroad in countries outside the framework of the Erasmus programme.
Funding lines: Periods of study abroad, dissertation/thesis projects, traineeships, language courses, special academic courses (e.g. summer schools) and trips to student competitions abroad.
Funding scope: Partial grants (depending on the funding line: monthly grants, allowances for travel costs, grants to cover course fees).
Please read the general information about our grants first.
We recommend that you read the experience reports (German only) provided by other HHU grant recipients before starting any planning.
You can find detailed information on requirements, the application process and other aspects in our fact sheet, checklist and the FAQ in the download area on this page.
You can find the funding rates for the current calendar year in the list in the download area.
Please apply via this online form (German only).
Please note the following information when applying:
We award grants for stays that have already been planned. That means:
- You can apply as a so-called free-mover: You contact your host university/institution independently and discuss everything relating to your stay with them. There is no contact on the part of HHU. If you are awarded a grant, you will simply receive the financial support for your stay from us.
- You can also go to an HHU partner university and apply for additional grants. You can find further information on this on the homepage.
Submission of an application for one or more grants does not guarantee that you will receive support. You can find the requirements for the various grants in the FAQ or fact sheet.
Periods of study and traineeships in Europe are funded via the Erasmus study stay abroad and Erasmus traineeship programmes.
Further funding options (german only)
- Funding for stays abroad under the German Federal Training Assistance Act (Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz – BAföG)
- Grants offered by the Scheunemann Foundation for short-term study stays by students of Romance Languages and Literatures in romance-language countries
- Grants offered by the Hedwig & Waldemar Hort Grant Foundation for short-term study stays by HHU students in Germany and abroad
- DAAD grants, e.g. for one-year study stays and short-term traineeships abroad
- Fulbright study grants for 4 – 9 months for master’s study programmes in the USA
- mystipendium.de