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Study and traineeships abroad

Are you interested in completing a stay abroad during your studies? You can find out about the opportunities HHU offers here.

Before planning your stay abroad, please read the following text carefully and in full:

Many HHU students spend several months abroad during their studies and benefit from the experience in many ways. In an increasingly global world, experiencing other cultures is becoming more and more important. Interested?

Read the experience reports submitted by fellow students (German only) first!

Then speak to your Erasmus Departmental Coordinator about the best timing and possible destination countries. At HHU, Erasmus cooperations exist between host universities and the individual subjects, so you should apply via your subject.

You can find the list of Erasmus countries here (German only)

The Erasmus principles are set out in the Erasmus Charter and the HHU Policy Statement

Click on the map (German only) to find the Erasmus partner universities for the subjects at HHU.

As students of certain subjects, you also have the option of undertaking a stay abroad in a partner country outside Europe under the Erasmus programme.

Outside the framework of the Erasmus programme, you can also go abroad to a partner university or as a so-called free-mover and obtain financial support via HHU Mobility Grants/PROMOS grants.

Virtually every partner university offers exchange places for students. You can apply for these places within your subject or – in exceptional cases – directly to the International Office. The advantage of an exchange place is that many organisational issues have already been clarified and processes established between the universities, e.g. with regard to the recognition of courses you complete abroad.

Funding for short stays of 5 – 14 days via Erasmus study stays abroad (SMS) and funding for language and special academic courses abroad via HHU Mobility Grants may be of interest to PhD students without an employment contract with HHU. PhD students with an employment contract with HHU can take up the staff mobility option. The funding lines are open to PhD students with certain restrictions. You can find information in the fact sheets in the download sections on the individual pages.

Come to a group consultation at the SSC (building 21.02) to clarify funding details.

Last but not least: Start your planning in good time! You generally need to start around 12 months in advance. It is critical that you observe the deadlines! We cannot accept applications that are incomplete or submitted after the deadline.

If you would also like to look for other grants, we recommend the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) scholarship database and the website mystipendium (German only).

Furthermore, you are welcome to visit the website IPSA (International Pool For Studies Abroad) to network with former and future Erasmus-students from other German universities.
You can find the link to the website in the download section on the right side.

Responsible for the content: International Office : Contact by e-mail