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Short-term accommodation

If you are coming to Düsseldorf and do not yet have a place to stay or have to bridge a few nights between arrival and taking over an apartment, there are various possibilities to find accommodation for a few days or a few weeks. These range from youth hostels, private rooms to hostels and furnished apartments. 

In Facebook groups like "Expats Düsseldorf", long and short-term acommodations are regularly offered as well: https://www.facebook.com/groups/532311100124419

Website Remarks
www.facebook.com/groups/WGBoerse/ HHU site for Apartments & shared accommodation
hosteleurope.com youth hostels, Bed & Breakfast, Apartments
aohostels.com hostels
mwz24.de furnished, partially shared accommodation


furnished apartments

WG-Gesucht.de flatshares, apartments, houses
Air B’n’B Duesseldorf private rooms
www.wohlfuehl-apartment.de/en/ furnished apartments, availibility and rates are given by contact
zwischenmiete.de short and long term opportunities, furnished and unfurnished
Youth hostel Oberkassel
CVJM (Christlicher Verein junger Menschen) Hostel / Hotel Friedrichstadt
Hotel Petersburg Friedrichstadt, for students also room offers per month
Townhouse-Duesseldorf only for people younger than 27 years, short and long term opportunities, availibility and rates are given by contact


private rooms & apartments

duesseldorf-monteurzimmer.de rooms, apartments