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The HHU Ombudsperson

The staff of Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf are its most important asset. Their motivation, creativity and commitment influence to a major degree the University’s success in the areas of research and teaching.

In order to ensure that the relationship between staff members is always characterized by mutual respect, esteem and compassion, the HHU has adopted a Leadership Code of Conduct. This is directed both at the professors as well as all other senior staff at the University. It relays our understanding of management and places in the foreground the importance of motivation, support, active communication and transparent decisions.

The PDF version of the Code (in German) can be found here.

Should it not be possible, despite intensive effort, to solve an issue within a department, there is the possibility in such cases to involve the HHU's ombudsperson. The ombudsperson is unbiased and bound to respect confidentiality. Please contact:

Dr. Dr. h. c. Klaus Bilda

c/o Kanzlerbüro & Geschäftsstelle Hochschulrat
Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf

Universitätsstraße 1, Building 16.11
D-40225 Düsseldorf

Contact: Cornelia Kemper

Tel: +49 211 81-10652

Personal details

From 1993 to 2002, Dr. Dr. h. c. Klaus Bilda was President of Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court and is Chairman of the Paul Mikat Foundation, which was founded with the purpose of supporting the Faculty of Law in Düsseldorf. Up until the spring of 2012, he chaired the Examination Committee for the Organization of Teaching and Studies, which monitored the correct expenditure of tuition fees. For his services to the Faculty of Law – including the establishment of the endowment chair for Civil Law and Intellectual Property Law as well as the foundation of the Institute of Intellectual Property Law – he was awarded the honorary doctorate of the Faculty of Law in 2000.

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