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Anti-Corruption Officer of Heinrich Heine University

What is corruption?

Corrupt practices are characterized above all by the misuse of an official function and the obtaining or seeking of (personal) advantages, usually with simultaneous concealment of this conduct. Corruption does not only include obvious cases of bribery. According to the usual definition, it also includes invitations and small attentions, because these can also create dependencies. The following pages will show you how you can create clarity for yourself and your actions.

Function of the Anti-Corruption Officer

The Anti-Corruption Officer acts as a neutral contact person for HHU employees as well as for students, business partners and third parties. He/she receives information about suspected corruption, if desired also confidentially, investigates the information and, if necessary, initiates further steps in agreement with the university management. For further details, please refer to the page "Further information". At HHU, the task of the anti-corruption officer is carried out by the Internal Audit staff unit.