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Starting your studies

Please note that some linked pages are only available in German. In such cases, please contact the responsible unit directly for further information.

Before the semester starts

The checklist for the start of your studies offers guidance and handy hints for the first steps you need to take, as well as links to further information. The checklist video shows you what you need to do before the semester starts.

In order to activate your university username and further online services, you will need your student ID number* (see below) and your activation code (will be sent automatically by e-mail or post). Enter both in the Identity Management system (IDM): https://idm.hhu.de/sspr/public/activate. You will then receive your university username and can define a password. 
You can find a step-by-step guide in this explanatory video.

*If you applied online via the HHU application portal, you can find your student ID number via the website https://digstu.hhu.de (see video).
If your enrolment was not completed via the HHU application portal, your student ID number will be sent to you by post.

Once you have activated your university username, you can download various certificates and documents (e.g. to obtain “BAföG” financial support) from the DigStu website at https://digstu.hhu.de. We explain how in this video.

You can find the dates for courses in the summer semester 2024 under the links provided.

Preparatory courses in chemistry, computer science, mathematics and physics (HHU):

OMB+ Online Mathematics Bridging Course (HHU):

  • At any time
  • Please note: For economics students, participation is a prerequisite for registering for the exam in the compulsory module "BV00 Introduction to Economics/Mathematics I".
  • More information

Further free preparatory courses offered by other providers/universities:

Online “Preliminary Course – Natural Science 101” (Ruhr University Bochum):

Online preparatory course for study programmes related to computer science (OPEN vhb – Bavarian virtual university/University of Würzburg):

Various online preparatory courses in mathematics in the ORCA.nrw digital learning portal:

Online “Preliminary Course – Latin for Students of Humanities” (Ruhr University Bochum):

Here you can find information to help you settle in on campus:


IT systems and access:

Regular touch points:

The feel at home programme offered by the International Office aims to help international students settle in and to find their way around when they start their studies, for example by providing helpful tips and support. The International Office offers e.g. a Welcome Evening. 

The ‘HHU Companion’ project app is also available as a community tool for information, exchange and networking.
It is free of charge and offers a protected space that is primarily intended for international students at HHU.

You can find further information about studies for international students here.

Among other things, you can also access language courses via this page

Since 01.04.2024: the HHU Card is your German semester ticket for public transport. It is therefore valid on public transport throughout Germany! The costs are covered by the semester fee.

Information on which services are included can be found here. The Verkehrsverbund Rhein-Ruhr (Transport association) also provides a binding overview here.

Are you still waiting for your HHU Card at the start of the semester? If your enrollment has already been completed, you can apply for a provisional semester ticket at the SSC. This is valid from 01.04. (SoSe)/ 01.10. (WiSe).  Please send an e-mail to studierendenservice(at)hhu.de




Apps can provide valuable assistance in various situations during student life. Here are a few helpful apps you can use during your studies at HHU:

  • First-year student guide app for information and important dates at the start of and during your studies
  • eduroam for WLAN access on campus and at many other universities, too
  • Webex as a video conferencing tool
  • Nextbike for discounted cycling on and around the campus
  • HHU Companion App for international students - for exchange, networking, information and events.

Your stomach is rumbling and you haven’t charged your canteen card? No problem! You can top up your card easily online via the Ventopay website


During the first semester

Student Services offers open consultation sessions for first-year students in addition to the Academic Advice Service.
We can help you with any questions relating to starting your studies, learning and personal organisation or put you in touch with the right contact person.

Simply drop by – you do not need to register. You can find more information here.

It’s easier to study with others. Here are a few ways to network with other students:

It’s not easy to cover all your costs during your studies, particularly with rising prices. We want to help you find ways to make savings so you have more money left in your wallet at the end of the month.

Take a look at the saving tips checklist for the start of your studies provided by Heinrich the hare!

Always well informed

There are various advisory services relating to financing your studies that you can take advantage of:

You can find further information and helpful links relating to studying with disabilities or chronic illnesses below.

Are you caring for children or relatives while studying? The following contact points offer support:

HHU Düsseldorf offers students and prospective students numerous counselling and supportive services.

With our counselling guide StudyWell, we make your search easier and you can find the right contact point in just a few steps! Unfortunately currently only available in german, but we are working on it!

If certain parts of your studies take place online, it’s important that the technology works. You can find links to help you with this here:

To help you get off to a good start in Düsseldorf

Information relating to the topic of housing:

Welcome to Düsseldorf! Explore your (new) place of residence – there’s so much to do and even more to see and experience!


  • Public transport – as a student of HHU, your options for getting around are (almost) unlimited with the NRW travel pass.
  • Nextbike: Students at universities and colleges participating in the scheme can cycle at discounted rates.
  • Barrier-free access in Düsseldorf: You can find tips and suggestions for enjoying barrier-free access to the city here. Wheelmap.org offers a special map to help you find city locations accessible by wheelchair.

Leisure time

  • Want to experience some culture? You are definitely in the right place to do just that in the cultural city of Düsseldorf. What’s more, you can take advantage of countless student discounts!
  • Want to explore the leisure scene in Düsseldorf? The Living in Düsseldorf page on the HHU website provides a good overview.
  • The Düsseldorf event calendar provides information on sports, music, flea markets and many other events.
Responsible for the content: Studierendenservice : Contact by e-mail