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Application for higher semesters

You can apply for the following study programmes with admission restrictions (for a higher semester) directly (from  Juli 2024 for the winter semester 2024):

Bachelor’s programmes

Business Management
Financial and Actuarial Mathematics
Interdisciplinary Natural Sciences
Media and Culture Studies
Medical Physics
Philosophy, Politics and Economics
Quantitative Biology
Social Sciences – Media, Politics, Society

Bachelor’s programmes with Major and Minor subject

Major subject:
Japanese Studies

Minor subjects:
Communication and Media Studies
Japanese Studies
Political Science

Master’s programme

Industrial Pharmacy
Molecular Biomedicine
Translational Neuroscience

State examination

Medicine (expected from Juli 2024 via the application and enrollment portal) Information PJ
Pharmacy (expected from Juli 2024  via the application and enrollment portal) FAQ

The application deadlines for higher semesters are March 15 for the summer term and September 15 for the winter term. Letters of admission are usually sent to the applicants at the end of March or at the end of September. If you have not received a letter one month after the deadline, your application has been rejected. Notifications of rejection will not be issued.

Please send your application form (including all necessary documents) to:

Studierenden- und Prüfungsverwaltung
Universitätsstr. 1
40225 Düsseldorf


Downloads – application forms for higher semesters (only available in German)

Important: applicants for Medicine (pre-clinical), Pharmacy, Psychology and Dentistry are urgently required to submit the additional attachment.

  • Special office hours for dentistry: Prof. Dr. Hugger offers office hours concerning the transfer of credits for the application for higher terms.
  • Information for applicants of pharmacy: Please call Prof. Passreiter before handing in your application (phone: +49 211 81-14172, Monday – Friday 12 – 2 p.m.) and also ask afterwards, if your documents are complete.
  • Information for applicants of dentistry who transfer from another German university within the exact same programme: Since winter semester 2013/14 the HHU Düsseldorf offers the so called “Modellstudiengang” in medicine. This means that many credits in the pre-clinical part are not being acquired in one single semester, but throughout several semesters. Students of dentistry who want to transfer from a German university to Düsseldorf should be aware that the credits for the subjects chemistry, physics, microanatomy, macro anatomy, biochemistry and physiology in the pre-clinical part of dentistry cannot be acquired in one single semester, but throughout several semesters.

All other applicants have to apply for a transfer of credits to the following institutions:

  • Bachelor’s programmes: respective board of examiners
  •  Master Psychology: information to be found here
  •  Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry: Landesprüfungsamt für Medizin, Psychotherapie und Pharmazie, Postfach 300865, 40408 Düsseldorf, phone: +49 211 – 475 5150. Building: Bonneshof 35, 40474 Düsseldorf. Opening hours: Tuesday and Thursday 8:30 – 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 – 02:30 p.m.
    • Applicants who were born abroad or do not study in NRW have to contact the following office for the recognition of qualifications: Hessische Landesprüfungs- und Untersuchungsamt im Gesundheitswesen, Walter-Möller-Platz 1, 60439 Frankfurt am Main, Tel.: 069 - 15-712 (www.hlpug.de)
  •  Law: Dean’s office of the Faculty of Law, building 24.91, office hours: Monday, Thursday 9 – 11 a.m. Monday, Wednesday 1 – 3 p.m.

Statements about the prospects of your application cannot be made in advance. If there are any study places available, they will be awarded according to the criteria which are applied by the Stiftung für Hochschulzulassung. For the the study programmes Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry the available places will be awarded by taking into consideration the overall performance of each applicant.

Applications submitted by members of the German Olympic Sports Federation (professional athletes) will be prioritized within the respective ranking group. Affected by this regulation are applicants belonging to: the national Olympic  team (OK), the perspective team (PK), the supplementary team (EK), junior team 1 (NK 1), junior team 2 (NK 2) or the federal team (LK) of one of the federal associations belonging to the German Olympic Sport Association ("professional athletes").

In case you fall under one of these categories, please include the respective certifcation.

Before you submit such a form for your application, stating the compelling necessity of beginning with your studies immediately, please determine self-critically beforehand whether you actually qualify for such a procedure. You can make use of these guidelines offered by "hochschulstart" to help you determine whether your circumstances allow a hardship application; there you will also find examples for justified and unjustified arguments. All certificates and statements need to be submitted before the end of the cut-off period. Each case will be examined individually.


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