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Employers’ Representative for the Severely Disabled


For the concerns of severely disabled people employed at HHUD, the university has appointed a representative, according to s.98 German Social Welfare Act (SGB IX). This person represents the interests of the university as employer in dealings with severely disabled employees, the representative body for undefinedseverely disabled employees, the undefinedacademic staff council, and the undefinednon-academic staff council. He works closely with these institutions.

The representative must especially make sure that the employer fulfils his obligations to protect and support severely disabled people. In case of conflict, for example, he works towards a fair reconciliation of interests between all parties. Just like the representative body for severely disabled employees, he must be given opportunity to comment on all and any measures which might affect severely disabled employees before any decisions are made.


Together with the staff in the personnel department, the representative supports the university in creating, filling and financing workplaces for the severely disabled. He provides information on support measures available from manpower administration services, welfare offices and from the Integration Office, and helps in applying for them. In addition, he also advises both senior and other staff members should  problems arise concerning the employment of severely disabled people. He reports to the university management on the status of building operations related to the severely disabled, and helps with advice and support in achieving the necessary employment quota.