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Safety documentation

Secure processing of electronic data is a prerequisite for the faculties and central institutions of Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (HHU) to be able to perform their tasks productively and without disruption in the interests of HHU. To this end, it is necessary to minimise risks through the use of electronic information systems by taking appropriate measures.

All measures that achieve this goal fall within the scope of IT security, both technical ones in the IT systems themselves but also organisational ones, such as specifications that offices should be closed when left. This is to ensure the confidentiality, availability, authenticity and integrity of information.

  • Confidentiality means that data may only be read by the user for whom it is intended.
  • Availability means that access to systems and data is always guaranteed.
  • Authenticity means the "genuineness" of a user, i.e. that he or she is who he or she claims to be.
  • Integrity means that data must not be changed unintentionally or without authorisation.

IT security deals with the protection of data in general, in contrast to data protection, which is limited to the protection of personal data.

On these web pages, the ZIM wants to give an overview of the topic.

Questions in the area of IT security will be answered by the IT security team of the ZIM, see contact persons on the right.

Secure operation of IT systems

The secure operation of IT systems is made up of many technical and organisational measures. It is hardly possible to provide an all-encompassing list here. The ZIM has attempted to list the essential measures here or to refer to relevant links on the topic.

Dealing with passwords

By entering an identifier, a user identifies him/herself. This gives him/her a digital identity. By entering a password, he/she then authenticates him/herself: he/she thus proves that he/she is authorised to work with a system or an application.

It is therefore necessary to be very sensitive with passwords because they allow direct access to sensitive applications and their data.

The "Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik" (Federal Office for Information Security) gives advice on how to handle passwords securely. Tips for choosing a "secure password" can also be found here.