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Scholarship announcements

You can find a detailed list of scholarship offers in the online Stipendienkompass (“Scholarship Compass”) brochure (German only).

The www.stipendiumplus.de Internet portal offers an overview of the requirements and benefits of its member organisations for the promotion of young talent.

The e-​fellows.net online scholarship and career network (German only) also offers information about scholarships.

The Arbeiterkind.de Internet portal (German only) supports school and university students who are the first member of their family to pursue an academic degree.

Das Stipendienprogramm des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung unterstützt Fachkräfte mit Berufsausbildung und mehrjähriger Praxiserfahrung bei einem ersten akademischen Hochschulstudium. Detaillierte Informationen finden Sie unter https://www.sbb-stipendien.de/aufstiegsstipendium.

Studierende können sich bis zum 2. Dezember 2024 um ein Aufstiegsstipendium bewerben. Für ein Vollzeitstudium erhalten sie künftig 992 Euro pro Monat plus 80 Euro Büchergeld (also insgesamt 1.072 Euro) und für ein berufsbegleitendes Studium 3.045 Euro im Kalenderjahr. Die Leistungen sind eine Pauschale und einkommensunabhängig.

Bewerbungen sind bereits vor Beginn des Studiums und bis zum Ende des zweiten Semesters möglich. Es gibt keine Altersbegrenzung für die Bewerbung.

Bei Fragen rund um die Bewerbung steht Ihnen gerne unser Team der Bewerbungsberatung zur Seite. Die Kolleginnen und Kollegen sind per E-Mail (aufstieg(at)sbb-stipendien.de) oder telefonisch zu erreichen unter 0228 / 62931 -43, -44, -51 oder -63.

Den aktuellen digitalen Flyer zum Aufstiegsstipendium können Sie hier herunterladen: https://www.sbb-stipendien.de/aufstiegsstipendium/kann-ich-mich-bewerben.


You can find the most important information in the flyer and brochure of the German National Academic Foundation.

Detailed information on the admission and selection procedures as well as funding programmes can be found online.

Support for students from the E.W. Kuhlmann Foundation

The Kuhlmann Foundation would like to use interest-free loans to prevent high-achieving students from being prevented from completing their final exams in a timely manner due to a lack of funds. There is also the possibility of a graduation prize for graduates who successfully complete their degree.

All information on the three funding lines can be found here.




Discover talent - promote talent: We support particularly talented and committed young people with a scholarship. Our aim is for them to take on responsibility as future leaders and active citizens in politics, business, science, media, culture and society. We are guided by an image of humanity that is characterised by Christian-democratic values. With 3,500 scholarship holders, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation is one of the largest organisations for the promotion of talented young people in Germany.


You can find the digital flyers for our scholarships with target groups here:

Studienförderung (BA und MA) 

JONA - Das Journalismus-Stipendium (BA – bis zum Ende des 4. Fachsemesters) 

Promotionsförderung (Promotion) 

Scholarship Program for International Students (MA und Promotion) 


Since September 2012, the German University Foundation has been offering the "TANDEM" scholarship programme, which is aimed exclusively at students whose parents do not have an academic background. The scholarship programme is rounded off by an annual book allowance of €600. The travel and accommodation costs for our workshops and events are also financed by the foundation. Further information here. Please send your complete application documents to: bartsch@deutsche-universitaetsstiftung.de

Every semester, the Equal Opportunities Office of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities supports female students and academics with graduation scholarships and travel grants. The graduation scholarships are awarded to female students who are in the process of writing their final thesis (BA or MA) and who are studying or have studied under difficult conditions, e.g. as a result of disability or chronic illness, maternity or caring for relatives. Travel grants for female students and young female academics (in Germany and abroad) are awarded for conference participation and research stays as well as academic summer and winter schools. The scholarships are awarded every six months; the deadline is 1 June and 1 December of each year. Further information on the award criteria and the current call for applications can be found here: www.philo.hhu.de/schon-da/akademische-selbstverwaltung/gleichstellung/frauenfoerderstipendien

The Rhein-Lahn-Kreis would like to support medical specialists and offers a scholarship for the continuation of your studies in human medicine. The prerequisite for the application is the successful completion of the first section of the medical examination (Physikum). You can find the information flyer here. Applications to: johanna.breithaupt(at)rhein-lahn.rlp.de More information at: www.rhein-lahn-kreis.de/Stipendium

The Dr Arthur Pfungst Foundation awards scholarships to students with financial need from all faculties. Applications can be submitted as soon as the first proof of academic achievement can be presented (after 1 to 2 semesters): Scholarships from the Dr Arthur Pfungst Foundation

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