Your career development and scientific collaborations with UNIVERSEH!
UNIVERSEH goes further than education and teaching with Beyond UNIVERSEH, the research and innovation dimension of UNIVERSEH.
Beyond UNIVERSEH seeks to bring together European scientists within the Alliance to create new knowledge in space science. Therefore, it is not only working to establish a virtual lab and research community but also to develop a strong knowledge transfer with businesses and institutions in the space sector and promote citizen engagement.
In-between a Doctorial, a Hackathon and a Summer School
Work towards the emergence of on-topic innovative projects together with other motivated doctoral students, post docs and young researchers from the UNIVERSEH Alliance around the topics of global health of astronauts and space sustainability.
Find more detailed information here.
Costs for travel and accommodation are covered by UNIVERSEH.
Toulouse, France
25. - 29.11.2024
Connect with researchers from all over Europe and create new opportunities in your career. The creative space challenge will offer the unique opportunity to gain experience and know-how of an innovative approach focused on rationality and imagination and aquire transversal sklills you will need in your future life.
Please hand in one PDF file containing the application form and a certificate of enrollement or another document that proofs your association with HHU by 30th August 11:59 PM.
What might be topics that show the interlink of space sustainability and global health of astronauts?
Please answer this question additionally (max. 1 DINA4 page) and attach it to the PDF file as well.
Scientists from the HHU or any other UNIVERSEH partner university, researching a topic pertaining to space science can easily become involved in UNIVERSEH. All areas of expertise are welcome, whether in the natural and applied sciences or the humanities. Here are some of the opportunities:
- Increase the impact of your research and improve your ability to share scientific knowledge with non-experts by taking part in science communication trainings.
- Broaden your network among European space scientists by participating in conferences and events organized by UNIVERSEH.
- Participate in staff mobility and visit our Alliance partners.
- Create interdisciplinary courses and projects in the broad field of space science.
- Teach in a European setting.
- Include citizens’ expertise in your research by creating your citizen science project.
UNIVERSEH offers researchers of numerous disciplines, an interactive experience with the alliance partners. In-person, distance, and blended learning within UNIVERSEH’s collaborative campus makes it possible to teach and conduct research in the field of space science with scientists at the partner universities. Get involved and profit from:
- Career development through UNIVERSEH trainings and workshops.
- Opportunities for interdisciplinary research within the alliance.
- Collaboration in interdisciplinary and international projects.
- Teaching opportunities within the alliance.
- Simplified cooperation (partnerships, funding, labs, etc.).
- Mobility opportunities.
- Networking opportunities at the European level with UNIVERSEH stakeholders.
Interested in becoming involved in UNIVERSEH?
Simply contact universeh(at) and we will help you become part of the crew!