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Winter & Summer School

Our Alliance runs Summer and Winter Schools all around space-related topics promoting intercultural learning, diversity and  networking and the exchange of different approaches on today’s topics.

Such programmes create opportunities to practice communication and collaboration skills in teams by bringing together students from diverse backgrounds to advance transferable skills and improve language knowledge.

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Making Space for Culture and Arts

The UNIVERSEH Team at the Heinrich-Heine-University cordially invites you to apply for the first Summer School

Where and when? On campus in Düsseldorf  - 19th to 23rd of June 2023.

Target group? Open to all study levels and disciplines. No pre-knowledge necessary.

Get together with 50 Alliance students to learn how culture and art are influenced by space and how humanities approach this topic.

Application closed.

Access to the course on Moodle


  • Victoria Barabash
  • Anna Krukiewicz-Gacek
  • Annacarin Larsson
  • Gaëtan Prigent

Arctic Winter School is an introductory course for students from different academic fields and from all UniversEH partner universities that gives insight into the interdisciplinary fields of Arctic space, environment and culture:

  • Environment and society in the changing Arctic. The Arctic Five collaboration.
  • Polar atmosphere and its significance for solar-terrestrial interactions, space weather.
  • Auroral physics and observations.
  • Optical phenomena in the polar regions.
  • Snow and ice in different perspectives.
  • Arctic climate systems and climate change.
  •  Nano satellites and balloons for polar research.
  • Product innovation for Arctic space.
  • Terminology for New Space and polar research, linguistic aspect of intercultural communication.
  • Survival in the cold environment.

The 1st week of the School is taking place at Luleå University of Technology, Kiruna Space Campus and includes lectures and workshops. During the week in Kiruna there will be study visits to Esrange Space Center, the Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF) and EISCAT Scientific Association. The week will also include study visits to Abisko Scientific Research Station, LKAB iron ore mine, ICEHOTEL in Jukkasjärvi. There will be both cultural and social activities.

The learning outcomes are assessed through assignments, workshops and project.

Access to the course on Moodle


  • Victoria Barabash
  • Anna Krukiewicz-Gacek

The main objective of the course is to allow students to acquire knowledge about space resources and mining and create opportunities to gain practical experiences which will help students understand different aspect of space resource exploration against the background of Earth resource exploration.

Lectures will introduce students to different aspects of space exploration, such as geology, sustainable development, and robotics. Students will learn about the geology of various terrestrial bodies and challenges of space exploration. They will also learn about preparing and testing robots used in space missions.

To allow students to see the connections between space geology and space resource exploration and Earth geology and traditional mining, students will take part in educational field trips. The educational trip to the Wieliczka Salt Mine (a UNESCO World Heritage site) is a unique opportunity to see first-hand how the mining industry looked like centuries ago and what it meant to be a miner.

The educational trip to the Racławka Valley and Dubie dolomite mine will help students understand the geological history of planet Earth and learn about different types of rocks and how they were formed first hand.

The school will also be an opportunity to practice communication and collaboration skills in multi-national teams, improve foreign language skills, and brainstorm and reflect on the hard and soft skills of entry-level employees in the space sector. Students will be encouraged to share and reflect on their experiences of inter-cultural communication and experiences of Krakow and places they will have an opportunity to visit. Krakow the former capital of Poland offers unique opportunities to observe and experience shared European history and traditions in the form of architecture, culture and cuisine.

*Our courses are open to all students officially enrolled at the HHU and all students enrolled at the partner universities of the UNIVERSEH Alliance.